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About Prophet Dwight

Prophet Dwight Taylor is a servant leader that has walked with the Lord Jesus for more than 20 years.  On October 31, 1996 Prophet Dwight met the Lord Jesus Christ in dramatic fashion.  Shortly following this experience, Prophet Dwight was divinely led, through an open, vision given by the Holy Spirit, to become a member of Liberty Temple Full Gospel Church of Chicago.  Prophet Dwight serves in the ministry under the pastoral and prophetic leadership of Senior Pastor and Apostle Dr. Sheraine Lathon.  See Prophet Dwight’s full testimony here -> Full Testimony.

In December of 1996 Dwight received two visitations from Jesus.

In the first visitation, the Lord Jesus Christ said the following to Prophet Dwight “if you let go of everything in your heart against your family, I’ll take care of it.

In the second visitation, the Lord Jesus Christ said the following to Prophet Dwight “I will teach you everything you need to know about computers.  You are to use this gift for this house (Liberty Network of Churches).  You are not to charge this house for anything you do. They will not trust you. This is a wounded house. Do not attempt to make sweeping changes. In due season I will give you a voice; then you can implement the things I’ve shown you.

The foundation of that voice was laid by the Apostolic and Prophetic preaching and teaching of the late Chief Apostle Dr. Clifford E. Turner (Founder and Overseer of Liberty International Network) and Apostle Sheraine Lathon (Senior Pastor of Liberty Temple Full Gospel Church of Chicago).

In April of 2009 Prophet Dwight received the following prophetic utterance from the Holy Spirit, “I will restore the Glory of the Lord to the Church and the first step is restoring the Fear of the Lord to the hearts of my people.”  This utterance is the Genesis of Prophet Dwight’s teaching grace.

After years of prophetic training, discipline and sharpening, Prophet Dwight was ordained and commissioned into the Office of the Prophet on August 14th, 2016.

The Holy Spirit has gifted Prophet Dwight in technology, business, healing, prophetic utterances, prophetic teaching, the discerning of spirits, releasing words of wisdom, releasing words of knowledge, encouragement, and the awakening of spiritual gifts.

Prophet Dwight resides in the Greater Chicago Area with his wife of 20+ years and three children.